
Kenneth Barner, Director, Center for Cybersecurity, Assurance and Privacy (CCAP)
Welcome to the Center for Cybersecurity, Assurance and Privacy (CCAP) at the University of Delaware
We are excited to be in a position to amplify the University of Delaware’s long-standing tradition of discovering and solving cybersecurity threats. The Center is dedicated to promoting cybersecurity awareness and information governance for organizations, accelerating transition to practice, as well as advancing the public discourse on cybersecurity policy and ethics.
Our focus is on further protecting cyberspace through innovative research, and preparing the next generation of security professionals through excellence in cybersecurity education. We are uniquely poised to aggressively identify and solve the latest, most sophisticated security threats in innovative ways.
The goal of CCAP is to establish itself as a nationally competitive driver for grand cybersecurity challenges including, privacy in cloud computing and healthcare; security and assurance in financial transactions; protection of our personal devices and digital identity, and; defending the national infrastructure and resources.
The Center for Cybersecurity, Assurance and Privacy brings together UD’s experts so that together, we can solve cybersecurity’s grandest challenges.
Kenneth Barner
Director, Center for Cybersecurity, Assurance and Privacy (CCAP)
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Machine learning, signal processing, autonomous vehicles

Panos Artemiadis
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Kenneth Barner
Director, Center for Cybersecurity, Assurance and Privacy (CCAP)
Machine learning, signal processing, autonomous vehicles

Stephan Bohacek
Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Cloud analytics, network security, ad-hoc networks
Dr. Bohacek is the primary point of contact for the NSA Center of Excellence for Cyber Defense Education degree program.

Joseph Brickley
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Providing Cybersecurity knowledge and by teaching future scholars and work force.

Austin Brockmeier
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Generative adversarial machine learning, artificial intelligence

Susan Conaty-Buck
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
Healthcare security & privacy

Robert Coulter
Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences
Cryptography and Trust

John D'Arcy
Professor, Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems
Information security management, compliance, insider threats

Michael DeLucia
Affiliated Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Network/cyber security applied machine learning.

Shangjia Dong
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Interdependent Infrastructure Network; Sociotechnical System; Complex Network Science; Risk and Resilience Analysis;

Xing Gao
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Cloud and System Security, Mobile Security, Networking Systems and Internet Measurement

Fouad Kiamilev
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Hardware trust, vehicle systems, digital systems

Kenneth Lutz
Adjunct Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Grid security, security architectures, security policies

Andreas Malikopoulos
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Connected and Automated Vehicles, Cyber-Physical Systems

Andy Novocin
Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Post-quantum Cryptography, Web Application Security, Secure Software

Satwik Patnaik
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Hardware Security, Computer Security, VLSI
Enabling the development of secure and trustworthy hardware and systems and providing a novel perspective on device/transistor-level security, circuit-level security, and overall hardware-level security.

Chien-Chung Shen
Professor, Computer & Information Sciences
Multi-level cybersecurity simulations, network security

Nektarios Tsoutsos, Associate Director
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Applied cryptography, homomorphic encryption, hardware security, trustworthy computation, Additive Manufacturing security

Ryan Van Antwerp
Affiliated Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Penetration testing, reverse engineering

Cathy Wu
Professor, Biological Sciences
Bioinformatics, data science, AI/machine learning

Chengmo Yang
Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Security and reliability of embedded systems, cyber-physical systems and internet-of-things

Rui Zhang, Associate Director for Research
Associate Professor, Computer & Information Sciences
Security & Privacy, Cloud computing, Internet of Things, social networks