Latest Events


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CAE Tech Talk

CAE Tech Talk

Tech Talk 1: Understanding How People with Upper Extremity Impairment Authenticate on their Personal Computing Devices  
Tech Talk 2: A User-Oriented Approach and Tool for Security and Privacy Protection on the Web

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The National Cybersecurity Career Fair

The National Cybersecurity Career Fair

The 5th annual National Cybersecurity Virtual Career Fair, sponsored by National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCyTE) Center and the CAE in Cybersecurity Community, is right around the corner!

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Reliable and Resilient Digital Manufacturing

Reliable and Resilient Digital Manufacturing

IEEE Workshop on Reliable and Resilient Digital Manufacturing

September 16-17, 2021

We welcome contributions from academia, industry and governmental entities with interdisciplinary backgrounds to facilitate the growth of the new area of digital manufacturing.

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CAE Tech Talk Sept 16

CAE Tech Talk Sept 16

Automated Software Vulnerability Detection with Deep Learning based Nature Language Processing (1:00 – 1:50 pm EST) and An Introduction to Jump-Oriented Programming: An Alternative Code-Reuse Attack (2:00 – 2:50 pm EST)

Come join your friends in the CAE community for a Tech Talk. CAE Tech Talks are free and conducted live in real-time over the Internet so no travel is required.

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CAE Tech Talk May 20

CAE Tech Talk May 20

Agent-based Modeling of Entity Behavior in Cyberspace (1:00 – 1:50 pm EST) and Healthcare Virtualization (2:00 – 2:50 pm EST)

Come join your friends in the CAE community for a Tech Talk. CAE Tech Talks are free and conducted live in real-time over the Internet so no travel is required.

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CAE Tech Talk April 15

CAE Tech Talk April 15

Authentication – Improving Online Security Hygiene (1:00 – 1:50 pm EST) and Digital Forensics challenges in Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) environments (2:00 – 2:50 pm EST)

Come join your friends in the CAE community for a Tech Talk. CAE Tech Talks are free and conducted live in real-time over the Internet so no travel is required.

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CAE Tech Talk March 18

CAE Tech Talk March 18

Electromagnetic Side-Channel Analysis Attacks and Potential Countermeasures (1:00 – 1:50 pm EST) and Automotive Security: Trends, Problems, Solutions, and Future Work (2:00 – 2:50 pm EST)

Come join your friends in the CAE community for a Tech Talk. CAE Tech Talks are free and conducted live in real-time over the Internet so no travel is required.

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Virtual Camp Teaches Kids Cyber Skills

Virtual Camp Teaches Kids Cyber Skills

About 60 local middle schoolers are putting their socially distant time to good use, thanks to a virtual coding and cybersecurity summer camp hosted by computer engineering experts at the University of Delaware.

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